“Or do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit within you, whom you have from God? You are not your own, for you were bought with a price. So glorify God in your body.” I Corinthians 6:19-20

‘“All things are lawful for me,’” but not all things are helpful. ‘All things are lawful for me,’ but I will not be enslaved by anything.” I Corinthians 6:12

“Every moving thing that lives shall be food for you. And as I gave you the green plants, I give you everything.” Genesis 9:3

“When you sit down to eat with a ruler, observe carefully what is before you.” Proverbs 23:1

Sunday, June 12, 2011

...And, We're Back to the Juice

Well, after a weekend replete with indulgences (i.e. banana chocolate chip muffins, oatmeal chocolate chip cookies...and the dough, a chicken wrap, tortilla chips, and even a few French fries today), I can say that I'm thoroughly sick of eating this way as as well as the way it makes me feel. I think it's safe to say that I overdid it and *BLAH* is the result. Lesson learned: Do not go off a juice fast and overeat on all your favorite things. Instead, change your favorite things and/or eat them in smaller quantities.

I actually miss juicing. I know it's strange, but it's true. I miss the clean, healthy feeling of ingesting so many good natural vitamins and nutrients. I miss the "just right" feeling of fulness after a "meal/juice." I miss seeing the numbers decreasing on the scale as opposed to INcreasing this weekend. (Dislike!) I miss knowing that I reached my daily quotient of fruits and vegetables and then some!

So, after much thought and discussion with Julie, we are going back on the juice fast this week (with some exceptions). We'll juice Monday through Friday with a couple of real meals thrown in due to prior commitments with friends. Then, when the weekend arrives, instead of throwing ourselves head first into a bowl of cookie dough, we are going to make some good Dr. Furhman soup (chock full of veggies) and eat some other whole foods, like bean salad, humus and whole wheat pita bread, and perhaps even some fish or chicken.

We decided that when Sunday rolls around, we will even allow ourselves an "unhealthy" treat, but not one that we'll make from scratch. (It's just too tempting to overeat when you make a whole batch of homemade cookies.) Instead, we'll go out somewhere to buy just one of something (an ice cream cone, a piece of dark chocolate). We'll see where our cravings lead us. This approach is a much wiser one for keeping our appetites in check, while at the same time, allowing us to give in to just a little decadence.

So, tonight, I make 5 different juices (Reboot Your Life recipes: Mean Green, Lemon Lime, Green Lemonade, Pineapple/Orange, and the Melon/Kale juice). I was in the kitchen (once again) for about an hour and a half, but now we are good to go for tomorrow and then lunch and snack juices for the next 5 days. It's a whole lot of work, but it is so well worth it. :)

I will be going to be so much happier tonight knowing that another especially healthy week lies before me. Thank you, Lord, for so many wonderfully healthy foods, the good lesson we learned this weekend, and the self-control to keep going on our path to optimum health!

Friday, June 10, 2011


Having had plenty of time to think about food, I would say that there are certain things I really missed, which surprised me.

Let me preface this by saying that since November, Julie and I have been almost Vegan, meaning that we have avoided all processed foods, dairy, red meat, and chicken (Ok, if you don't count the cookies we were making.) We knew that eating the greatest quantity of the foods with the highest micronutrient scores was the best way to feel great, be healthy, and proactively fight potential diseases. So, for the past several months, that has been our life.

Neither one of us missed meat because we were still eating fish. But lately, I have been craving a good piece of chicken. And, that's perfectly OK. I am also craving a nice plate of spaghetti WITH garlic bread. The point is to have everything in moderation with the exception of veggies, of which you can never really have too many. Boy, it's a good thing I like salad and Mediterranean eating.

Reflections on the results of this juice fast...

Here are some wonderful byproducts of juicing fresh fruits and veggies for every meal:
  • clear, glowing skin
  • amazing energy
  • quick thinking/alertness/clarity of mind
  • decreasing numbers on the scale
  • not having to think about what you are making for breakfast, lunch, or dinner
  • the peace of mind and gratification that you are doing something excellent for your entire body
  • deep, sound sleep
  • decrease in allergies (my sinuses were clear the whole time!)

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Day 19

Blast that sweet, kind act!

It all started when a friend of mine spontaneously stopped over today to deliver warm, fresh oatmeal, butterscotch, chocolate chip cookies to thank me for assessing her daughter's homeschool year. Ahhh! What to do? Think. Think fast. How can I possibly resist?

As soon as she left, I ate one and then immediately texted Julie to confess that I cheated for the first time in nearly 3 weeks. She texted back in just a few seconds saying that she was thinking we should end the juice fast early anyway because she felt satisfied with her results and didn't "need" to go a full 21 days.

So, it took me a few moments to consider this and I still wasn't 100% convinced until she came home from work and announced that she thought we should go to Sweet Tomatoes for dinner to end the fast and celebrate. Her big excuse: "Well, I have a coupon." :) Nice. Hard sell.

The thought of actually crunching lettuce in my mouth was surprisingly exhilarating after drinking all my veggies for almost a month now. My reply to her went something like this: "Um, let me think about it...(2 seconds elapse)...Sure, are you ready to go?" ;)

The meal was fresh, deliciously crunchy and the flavors were like an explosion in my mouth. I tasted every spice, grain of sugar (in the broccoli salad I put on 1/8 of my plate-yum) and had to laugh when I realized we weren't even talking during dinner like we usually do. Clearly, we were enjoying every single bite of food!

Out of the 3 small portions of salad I put on my plate, I only ate 2, plus a few sips of my soup, 1/2 of a corn muffin and 1 small "stick" of pizza. Amazingly, I was stuffed and couldn't even finish. Ah, so this is what it feels like to have a tiny stomach.

We walked slowly to the car, rubbing our bellies on the way, and just smiled at each other happily, knowing that we had a done a great job and it was all well worth it.

The Nossal Manor juice fast is officially over...for now. ;)

Total weight lost: 15 pounds in 19 days (*insert BIG smile and many loose clothes here*)

Monday, June 6, 2011

Colorful and Ready to Grab and Go!

Despite all 3 Fathers of Western Medicine (Hippocrates, Galen and Paracelsus) having fasted and having prescribed fasting who declared fasting "the greatest remedy, the physician within", the fact remains that symptoms-oriented trained U.S. physicians are also equally in the dark. How sad is this when so many are suffering from poor health and diseases in the world. The answer is only a grocery store visit away.

WARNING: Now, for those of you interested in doing a juice fast, you should know right off the bat that it takes a whole lot of time, effort, and money, so you will need to be fully committed if you're doing it longer than a day. It's MUCH easier with 2 people as all of the above is shared and the burden is lessened.

Julie and I would take turns gathering our recipes, making a meticulous bi-weekly grocery list (i.e. 32 green apples, 48 kale leaves, 16 oranges, etc.), doing the shopping, and then actually doing the juicing at night.

We would always make 4 juices a night: 2 for the next day, 1 for dinner, and then 1 for a "dessert" (typically it was orange/pineapple juice, which was just divine). One batch for the next day could be put in glass bottles (Starbucks Frappuccino) ready for 10 AM the next day, and one batch would be frozen for lunch the next day. We also did extra juicing on Sunday night to prepare for the week (the 2 PM and 4 PM serving). Having this done in advance cut down on much of the work on each weeknight.

Many juices would yield up to 40 oz., which was terrific because that would give us 4 servings. Juices containing melons, apples, celery, oranges, and pineapple provided the most juice. (There are many more, as well.) We would also label our juices to keep it straight. Some are easy to identify, but once you get a few greens going, you'll be thankful you labeled them so you don't keep reaching for the "Mean Green" when you really wanted the sweeter Melon green.

I hope this helps, but please ask me if you have any more practical questions. Julie and I just had to learn by trial and error and I'd love to spare you of that. :)

Day 14

Two weeks down, just one more to go. :)

I'm feeling really great: full of energy, clear skin, quick mind, fantastic sleep (not that I ever have a problem in that dept. though). It makes me so happy to know that my body is really pretty clean and clear right now as all those nasty toxins have likely exited. (At least, that is my hope anyway.)

Mentally, it is getting tougher as I am still thinking about food a lot. It doesn't help when you see food everywhere: magazines, on TV, church events, etc. But, Julie and I keep reminding each other that it won't be long now. As we were merrily floating on rafts in the clear ocean yesterday, she asked me what meal I was most looking forward to having. "Mmm, BBQ chicken, peas, and rice!" That meal keeps whirling around in my head, ok, that and a warm, gooey banana choc. chip muffin straight out of the oven. Ahhhh. I am making that a week from this moment. :) I can do this.

Total weight lost: 12.5 pounds

Friday, June 3, 2011

Nutritional Benefits

Nutritional Benefits

Before you can truly embrace a diet rich in fruit and vegetables, it is important to understand the benefits these foods are literally bringing to the table. Here are some quick facts you didn’t know about everything – from Apples to Turmeric.

  • Apples contain antioxidants that help protect “good” HDL cholesterol levels in the blood.
  • Avocados are densely packed with anti-inflammatory, healthy fats. Well-known for its vitamin E content, an important antioxidant.
  • Beets are potent antioxidants with liver-protective properties.
  • Blueberries and blackberries are rich in anthocyanins—these phytonutrients have power. They can reduce inflammation, increase detoxifying enzymes in the liver, and stop cancers from creating their own lifeline-blood supply.
  • Cabbage is a cruciferous vegetable that promotes natural detoxification in the liver. It is high in sulfur and iodine.
  • Carrots are the richest plant source of vitamin A, good source of potassium.
  • Celery is high in organic sodium, magnesium, and iron. Magnesium is important for the breakdown of carbohydrates, proteins, and fats into energy; for muscle relaxation and the prevention of cramps; and for nerve conduction and preventing tooth decay.
  • Cilantro provides a rich source of carotenoids.
  • Cinnamon has been shown to help keep blood sugar in check.
  • Cucumbers contain potassium and phytosterols, which help lower blood cholesterol levels.
  • Fennel’s active ingredient, anethole, blocks inflammation in the body and can stop cancer cells from multiplying.
  • Ginger root reduces nausea, pain and inflammation, and provides heartburn relief. It also aids digestion.
  • Grapefruits provide a rich source of vitamin C, and are a good source of lycopene (a carotene with prostate cancer-protective properties).
  • Kale is an especially nutrient-dense vegetable with many potent micronutrients. Rich and abundant in calcium, lutein, iron, and vitamins A, C, and K, kale has seven times the beta-carotene of broccoli and ten times more lutein, another potent carotene. Kale is part of the cruciferous vegetable family, making it a good source of the phytonutrient indole-3-carbinol. Research shows I3C has many anti-cancer actions, such as promoting estrogen ratios in the blood that are weak, but needed to discourage breast cancer tumor growth. Crucifers are also potent detoxifiers.
  • Kiwis offer twice the vitamin C of an orange per serving. They are a good source of vitamin E (a potent antioxidant) and potassium.
  • Lemons contain natural anti-nausea and overall digestive-aid properties.
  • Mint is rich in plant-based omega-3 fats – an important nutrient for healthy hair, skin, and nails that has powerful anti-inflammatory activity. Omega-3s may also protect against the development of heart disease and certain types of cancers.
  • Parsley is a good source of folic acid, which may help lower the risk of heart disease and certain types of cancers. It also promotes fresh breath.
  • Pineapples are high in the enzyme bromelain, an anti-inflammatory.
  • Spinach is high in iron, vitamin C, and beta-carotene. The vitamin C and beta-carotene in spinach are antioxidants, and may help to protect cells from the damaging effects of free radicals. Most dark green leafy veggies are rich in lutein – a phytonutrient shown to help delay age-related macular degeneration of the eyes.
  • Sweet potatoes (and carrots for that matter) are rich in – a phytonutrient responsible for giving these veggies their rich orange color. Zeaxanthin has anti-cancer activity: it helps encourage cancer cells to commit suicide (apoptosis), and helps prevent tumors from being able to create their own blood supply (anti-angiogenesis).
  • Swiss chard tastes sweeter in juices than spinach. It is rich in vitamin C, potassium, and magnesium. Foods rich in potassium have been shown to lower blood pressure and heart disease risk.
  • Tomatoes are rich in lycopene – a member of the carotene family famous for its potential to prevent prostate cancer.
  • Turmeric has been shown to have multiple forms of anti-cancer activity in prostate, ovarian, colon, uterine, and breast cancer cells. The active ingredient responsible, curcumin, is approximately 1,000 times more bioavailable (absorbable) when combined with black pepper.

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Day 11

So far, so good, except that I'm beginning to think about food...a lot. Bar-B-Q chicken...sweet potatoes...warm chocolate chip cookies...crunchy croutons. I'm beginning to wonder if this will have reverse effects, meaning I'll want to eat everything in sight once this thing is over!!! Hopefully not.

I will say that doing this juice fast HAS made me appreciate food more...the textures, the smells, the taste. We are so blessed to be able to have such an abundance of food in this country. Julie and I joke that we feel a little bit like "Survivors" (CBS) because those players often dream about all the amazing food that they'll get to eat once they go home. We are much the same. :)

Total weight lost: 10 pounds (yay!)

Only 10 days to go!